Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Ultimate Element Crossword Puzzle Answer

Review: Public Enemy

John Dillinger was in the U.S. Great Depression of the anti-hero of an entire people, the elusive bank robber, romantic, down on his knees, blow by blow, the very institutions that sank in those years the economy of a whole country. The man who sat alone in crisis and questioned the efficiency and effectiveness of the newly formed FBI. The one who challenged the entire system, scoring evasion and robberies from coast to coast.

Dozens of novels and production if they are employed before, but here we are faced with something other than viscerally.

This is the excuse, not least, from which part of Mann: a land where the director of content is moving to say the least at ease, that of the definition, almost epic, life, death and miracles of evil from the heart of 'gold. Assassins irrepressible charisma on screen, like Tom Cruise in Collateral, or the corrupt cops in Miami Vice, that the claim of planetary Michael Mann can see played by star of the first order.

This time it's the turn of a perfect Depp in his interpretation, that aside, at least until 2011, the role of attacker struck, and he finds the magnetic character of a gangster movie shot, obviously, to Mann. Just a couple

Depp-Mann will be the engine of "Public Enemies," to shoulder camera shots in the service of an interpretation of the old school, where not necessarily need to be transformed, fat, ugly, old or tease loves to draw public, critics and Academy.

The rest, though well cared for, here is an outline that becomes trivial: the expressionless Bale deliberately relegated to a secondary role, the description of an era too often now view the movies, soaking up the easy stereotypes that life by gentleman thief and women who shoulder great 'Edith Piaf' Marillon Cotillard hold out easily.

The jump in quality compared to a good film does do, granted, directing vein of Michael Mann, who sets up a classic gangster movie shot in a cinematic record that he, before and better than others, embodies. Experience of a realistic image, a photograph with natural pushed almost to the point, feeling that the new media like the Internet (see youtube) taught how to digest daily bread, but on the big screen distort the viewer. The plunge alongside Depp in turn, through an imaginary camera hidden in the dens of criminals of the '20s.

And then hats off to Mr. Mann, who, in the era of 3D to all costs, everyone shuts up and confirm the absolute master of the avant-garde cinema technology with high budgets. "Public Enemies" works across the board (cast, script, sets, costumes) is a gangster-movie tier, where it appears that the shot is one of the backstage of a self-addressed webtv on site and not to annoy the officer on duty majors (Universal).

VOTE 80/100


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