Wednesday, October 28, 2009

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Castellitto and Angelini have Raise the head of the Rome Film Festival

Alessandro Angelini back to Roman event in 2006 after bringing "The salt air." Back to the topic parent - child, but this is only a starting point because the film is far more complex: 'It is true that here also uses the father-son theme, but here I only used as a cue to tell better the story of Mero, a winding path and anarchist who is the film's story. "
The director is keen to stress that in fact the winding road that take the film is deliberate:" We did not want to make a linear film, a film that followed a canonical path. We wanted to tell the life as it is, with a thousand faces and pitfalls everywhere. For this film as part of a ramshackle comedy, then becomes Bildungsroman, then a film by the highly dramatic tones, culminating in a final last liberating.

Even Sergio Castellitto, fabulous interpreter of the role of the protagonist Mero , has strong ideas about the movie, "Raise your head is a movie very simple and very paradoxically popular. My character is a worker, who is abandoned by his wife to have to grow from a child. A father-mother may be too invasive and too possessive. "
Castellito prorprio want to emphasize that the character" does something improper, and that is why it is nice. It 's a basic his mind, is a racist, but his racism is only popular, it is not a racism that follows from an argument or a culture. It must come to terms with the immigrants every day at work.
precisely these qualities of our characters is a film that stands as a student response to all that Italian cinema useless and self-referential, that cinema is more interested to look in the mirror to the window. "


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