Monday, November 2, 2009

Rite Manuals 6036

MP meets Giorgio Rights, Alba and Maya Sansa Rohrwacher for "The man who will be" The man who will

George Rights and the cast of his film "The man who will" presented at the International Rome Film Festival intense and realistic work on the massacre of Marzabotto.

(the director) Why did you choose to shoot in dialect? Do you not think that will be a difficulty for the dissemination of the film?

Giorgio Rights: "My choice to shoot in Bologna is part of an ancient general logic to create a strong involvement and realism to bring back the audience directly at the time. In fact, we soon realized that the dialect of Bologna drew too much current 70s and truck drivers, and therefore had a value significantly different from the situation in the mountains in 1943, and then we played the card of old Bologna. I must say that all the actors were great, in fact I met them two weeks before starting to turn and they gave me all their assent. I find that the use of dialect to help us take a step back in time, you laugh a taste and a sound that the Italians have lost. "

The film has a strong visual impact. How did you get?

George Rights: "The visual work we have done has many sources. He was born in the first place the photographs in b / n of the time. Then we have referred to a series of color photographs made by soldiers Americans. Finally there was an observation of artistic production on the 800-900 campaign. All these elements have merged and I then used my instinct for the shots. " What historical research has been done? George Rights: "We did a search on the above facts. I have described those guys Nazis, and they were all very young, this is proof that people were born and grew up under the Nazi regime. Then formed in a certain way, were for education led to consider the different, the Italians in this case, as a subspecies, as if they were subhuman. For them it made no difference to kill a cow, a woman or a mouse. The film has some historical basis very careful. Then I tried not to fall into stereotypes, things that we tell are all more or less happened, what interested me most was to tell the drama of men who kill others with the utmost naturalness.

In the film partisans are called rebels, because that choice?

George Rights: "Rebels was the standard way to define who was against the fascists and the Germans. Who was there then and rebelled against the regime. Basically it was a slang term without a significant political weight."

distribution What will the movie?

George Rights: "It will be distributed by Mikado (released Jan. 29 note) and of course there is a specific project related to projections for the schools. I survived but have not yet seen the film, there will be screenings in the area, there certainly will be a special care. Intramovies then is our seller for overseas and has already found interest. "

(actresses) Tell us about your transformation in farming in those years.

Rohrwacher Alba:" The first thing that pushed me was the confidence that George had in us. He saw in us a capacity to merge with the faces he had chosen. Then of course there was specifically a great job with the costumes, makeup and hair, which helps an actor to become something else. Me and Maya, we mix well with people with whom we worked, we wanted above all to join them to tell a story that we felt the need to be told. "

Maya Sansa: "In addition to what Alba said there was a great job of costume, the makeup artists and hairdressers have been very careful to play like that, even bringing back the dirt, not was a lack of hygiene, but a real lack of conditions. Then the clothes were oversized and a bit 'arranged, because there at the time they are passed from mother to daughter. Also the place where we lived during processing, who had a farm, it was very important to create the group and then there was this woman who taught us how to make bread, she worked all day through the fields and kitchen. We sent a working woman of great energy ".


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