Monday, November 16, 2009

Golf Tounament Slogan

Review of Tetro - The return of a master

Francis Ford Coppola returns to sign a film entirely in more than 35 years from "The Conversation". "Tetro", filmed and written by the director now seventy years old, is a film in which he pours so much of what the family and the arts are meant for him, from the Italian origin (omni) presence of musicians 'home' .
Coppola tells us with an air of a theatrical family crossed by conflicting feelings, and often unsustainable. Benjamin, a few days after his eighteenth birthday, arrived in Buenos Aires in search of his older brother has not seen for years. Its not a simple physical research, but especially within the intimate analysis ambiguous and schizophrenic personality of Angelo, which has become Tetro (short Tetrocini, their last name). A poet cursed vivacchia in a deprived environment in the legendary bohemian district of La Boca, the heart of Argentine culture in the '70s, and that avoids the outside world into his work incomplete and never published outside of the classic heartache ' artist.

The meeting between the two will be a showdown, the decisive battle in a process that draws on both Greek tragedy and classical theater. The theater, writing, bohemian spirit that imbues the characters present to an ideal stage where Coppola to stage a film masterfully conducted, including a flashback to the present indefinite and well introduce the figure of the father-master, and sometimes even surprising from the point of view visually, through the use of a beautiful black and white and had an extraordinary straziatissimo and Vincent Gallo in the role, really right for someone like him, Tetro. On all of the inseparable assembly impeccable Walter Murch, Academy Award twice ("Apocalypse Now" and "The patient English "), which proves once again, after" The other youth, "he had digested better than most the change of guard between analog and digital.

A little 'novel of formation, there are all the classic figures such as 17 year old virgin American clumsy' weaned 'from a busty girl and her aunt Argentina (see "The Dreamers"), a little' crossroads of 'unfinished middle-aged artist, "Family Secrets" is undoubtedly a powerful film, epic, which navigates between the surreal and the real, in a timeless dimension. A renewed Coppola returns to the star of a movie theater majestic, made of images and great feelings.


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