Monday, November 2, 2009

Create A Wwe Superstar

Castellitto Interview with Coen Brothers - In Rome to present

last Day Festival in Rome comes a pair of brothers, most beloved directors of America. The Coen. They have the film out of competition "A Serious Man", set in the Jewish community of Minnesota in the '60s. All this calls to mind the origins of the Coen: "We just shot the film in places where we grew up - says Ethan - but despite this there is nothing in the history of autobiography. It's all fiction."

And on the Jewish origins of the Brethren focus throughout the conference, very subdued. The usual 'known' part in the attack so absurd to ask the directors what they thought the Professor of Wisdom, Antonio Caracciolo, who carries out his own theories about the Holocaust denial through his lectures and his blog. Ethan rightly surprised, answers: "It seems a very strange thing, especially to happen in an academic context. But to be honest I do not know what to answer, because nothing really has nothing to do with our film."

The conference continues to beat the iron, now hot on the Jewish question: "The Jewish community - Joel says - it was very important for the film, has marked its genesis, we wanted to do a film about time in a precise and well defined. To do this we had a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe community where we grew up in the 60s in the Midwest. "
And that representation creates hilarious moments in" A serious man, "situations may actually experienced by the authors, Joel said:" We have always been inspired by someone we knew, we put them all together and we created hybrids. Actually this is not the only film in which we did, we drew inspiration from people you know our whole career. "

Such a 'rage' to a film community as powerful and well characterized like the Jewish in the United States could turn up their noses more than anyone: "In the United States - says Joel - The Jewish community is very sensitive to the way it is described by the media. But most of the reactions on their part has been positive. However, it is impossible to tell when a community, not create some discontent. "
Ethan says to them:" It 's also true that the more radical community of Orthodox Jews do not go to the cinema and therefore can not comment. "

In film there are many local actors, is a feature that returns to the filmography of the Coen brothers: "In this movie yet - Joel - many players are in Minneapolis, and thus purely local actors. For example Michael Stuhlbarg but grew up in California and lives in New York. So call it a good mix between local and otherwise. Michael was very good because he immediately realized that there are differences between the Jewish culture of the Midwest and the one that characterizes the communities on the coasts of the United States. "

In conclusion, the brothers are first questioned about the nature of their work , which would belong to the category, Ethan does not want to differentiate between 'tragedy or comedy': "We never thought that way, here we simply try to be truthful and tell the story we wanted to tell. It is then up to the viewer and the people have the reaction they want. "


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