Friday, June 12, 2009

Knightsbridge Collection Dolls Value

La Bottega del Ferro

Technical terms from La Bottega del Fabbro, A school of wrought iron Carlo Rizzarda,
by Claudia Alpago Novello
MECHANICAL ASSEMBLY - the mechanical parts are joined each other by means of bolts, nails, clamps, etc..
BAR - full metal rod, a cylindrical or square section.
CHISEL - small tool steel with sharp point, used to cut metals and other materials.
CHISELLING - sort of punch square tapered at the ends, with the top shaped in various forms. It serves to affect the metals and is used by beating on the head with a hammer.
FORGE - blacksmith's forge, or furnace in which the smiths baking in the iron to beat on the anvil.
FORGING - the metal is hot model, after being made red-hot in the forge, by beating with a hammer on the anvil.
ENGRAVING - is a process by which are engraved some parts of metals through the use of mechanical devices (metal spikes, chisels) or chemical (acid).
ANVIL - Forged tool, consisting of a steel block with two side appendages called horns, which may take different forms. This tool is used in the forging of metals and is used to model by typing the molten metal bat or hammer.
LAMINA - pad or thin metal plate.
LIMA - hand tool consisting of a steel bar and sprocket lined with furrows that cross. In different versions can be used to thin, smooth, shape iron, stone and wood.
Hammer - tool to beat, typically consisting of a steel block shape varies usually mounted on a wooden handle. The end of the hammer used to strike while the mouth is called the opposite, more subtle, pen and called the hole where the handle is driven into the eye.
RUSH - is a technique for shaping cold metal more malleable. The metal can be hammered from the inside and outside, with or without a mold. The generally malleable iron is too little to be cold worked.
WELDING - included under this name a number of techniques to unite closely, through warmth, various metal parts. In gas welding or boiling the pieces are joined using incandescent light typing, without addition of external metals, while brazing the parts are assembled through the intervention of a metal with a melting point lower than those to be welded.
CHISEL - cutting tool, steel, used in the processing of wood, stones, metals, on which beats with the hammer. It can take various forms.
SAW - special type of hand saw, particularly used to cut metals.
HARDENING - state of greater hardness and strength that buy metals and glass when heated and then immediately cooled with water, air or otherwise.
ZINC - operation product and zinc, which cover the metal surface with a layer of zinc to protect it from rust.


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